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White Monkey Warrior's War Paint Epic Chest
Raid damage: 3015

Duel power: 398
Attack: 607
Defense: 587
Cunning of the Ozomatli: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage for each piece of White Monkey Warrior set equipped

IV. It was a child's words that showed them their path. The girl, their chieftain's granddaughter, was foraging in the jungle with her mother. They'd gone far deeper than usual -- forced beyond their own gathering places by thieves who'd trespassed on the Ozomatli's land without fear, picking the trees clean of fruit. And as the two of them filled their baskets, the ground rumbled.

The girl thought it was an earthquake, and prayed to the monkey spirits for protection. But her mother grabbed her arm and pulled her into the shelter of the rocks. From that hiding place the girl gazed and gasped at the towering giantess who stomped by. She'd heard of the giants, of course, but she'd never seen one with her own eyes. Carvings and wall paintings didn't come close to capturing their true immensity.

Obtained By:

Crafting together:

Part of White Monkey Warrior Set