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Vorkian Paladin Epic General
Legion damage: 334

Duel power: 145
Attack: 100
Defense: 335
Race construct Construct
Role special Special
Source any Any
Rule 335: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage for each Agility or Wisdom troop in the legion; Vorkian Paladin gains 5 Attack and 10 Defense for each Special (Role) troop in the legion

Vorkian paladin
8. "That was our kill!" Tinkerballa exclaimed. "You stole our dragon!"

The helmeted warrior turned around, sheathed his sword, and laughed.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Perhaps you'll accept its hoard as compensation for my rudeness?"

"Huh?" Clara said. "You're just going to give us its treasure?"

"I can do anything! I'm a de... I mean... a demonstrably heroic person! Share and share alike, that's what I always told my guildmates, before cruel fate took them from me. Ah, such sorrow. Not even my massive, powerful axe, my daring sword, and my infern... er... infinitesimal! Not even my infinitesimal might could save them! I wonder if I'll ever find other brave adventurers to call my brethren..."

The adventurers looked at one another and grinned. Fate was smiling on them this day.

Obtained By:

Crafting together Vorkian Recruit, Knights of Good Charter: Volume 1 and Knights of Good Charter: Volume 2 from Kevinator (World Raid)
