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Forgotten Knight's Justice Main Hand
Raid damage: 35200

Duel power: 4683
Attack: 7050
Defense: 7000
Sands of Time (Justice): 12% chance to deal 4% damage; Extra 2% damage for each unique piece of Forgotten Knight set owned; Extra 200% damage against Undead raids; Increases critical hit chance against Undead raids by 3%

Forgotten knights main

The sands danced in tandem with the wind as mighty gusts blew across the sand encrusted dunes. A gnarled and cracked hand rose slowly, followed by an arm, a shoulder and finally an entire creature. A skeleton, risen from the grave of some ancient battle surveyed its surroundings as sand poured from its various surfaces. All around it other creatures of battles long forgotten rose again and lumbered forward.

Obtained By:

Planet CoinExpeditions New Item Pack

Part of Forgotten Knight Set