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First Mate Braeus Epic General
Legion damage: 1500

Duel power: 450
Attack: 600
Defense: 750
Race half-elf Half-Elf
Role tank Tank
Source intellect Intellect
Starchart: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage against Aquatic raids; First Mate Braeus gains gains 150 Attack and bonus damage if Captain Tiphantes is in the active legion; First Mate Braeus gains 100 Defense if Ranina, Laocon's Ghost or Lord Verne, Serpent Hunter are owned

First mate braeus
"A bit surprised to see Braeus serving as first mate under his sis. They were twins but one'd never say they was all that close as kids. She being the swordfighter, he the booklearner. Bit of oil and water, there. Still, he's doing a right good job with his charts and his journals. I like to think my grisly death brought them closer together, but that's me being sentimental." -- Ghost of Captain Laocon
Obtained By:

Planet CoinCurrent Expeditions: Aquatic Pack
